~  Monday, November 11th—Friday, November 15th~


The fair will take place during the school day in the gym. Families are encouraged to set up eWallet in advance or students can bring cash in a labeled ziplock bag. Students should plan to make their purchases during their classroom visits on Tuesday and Wednesday, but shopping can also take place on Thursday during extension, Thursday night or Friday morning. 

*Families are invited to join us for an evening Book Fair on Thursday, November 14th from 5:30-7:30pm.  To help with large crowds, please follow this schedule:

Last names A-M  5:30-6:30PM
Last names N-Z  6:30-7:30PM

eWallet: Create an account online and set a spending limit for students to use instead of cash. eWallet works like a gift card—any unused portion can be used at a future fair or online. Sign up via our web page:  Just scroll to the green box and click the "get started" link under eWallet!


Please direct any questions to book fair co-chairs: 
Christina Margolis ( &
McKenzie Gratz (