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Dr. Wegley Holiday Message & December 15 Board Brief

Dr. Wegley Holiday Message & December 15 Board Brief

Thank you for a fantastic 2022! Today’s District 30 Winter Sing and our school assemblies filled us with joy as we watched our youngest and oldest students unite at Maple to sing before heading into winter break. As we continue to reclaim our ceremonies and traditions, we are grateful for the energy and vitality we receive from teaching our children each day. We are fortunate to be in the most important profession on the planet! Thank you for your kindness and care for one another and our students. 

Sekou Andrews correctly observed, “Our symphony is much more powerful and rich than our solo.” I am grateful to be your Superintendent and am immensely proud of what we have accomplished together this past year that included:

Finalizing the Elementary Capacity Project and completed our first year with Wescott’s kindergarteners back at Wescott since 2007, aligning it with our neighborhood school philosophy

Honoring Wescott with the National Blue Ribbon Award for Academic Excellence

Making meaningful progress on our Board Goals:

Increasing our sense of belonging through our diversity work that includes recognizing heritage months, 

Partnering to enrich the value of our professional learning teams, and 

Deepening our understanding of managing our emotions through our RULER efforts

Re-engaging staff in opportunities for professional development and graduate course approvals

Benefiting from increased support across District 30 with our new literacy, student services, and communication coordinators

Our last Board Meeting of the 2022 school year was last night, and the Board welcomed our next Superintendent, Dr. Emily Tammaru. You can read about Dr. Tammaru and review relevant items in our December 15 Board Brief. I add my voice congratulating Dr. Tammaru and know she will cherish District 30 as I have! I also look forward to serving District 30 until my last day on June 30, 2023, and will do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition!

I hope this break affords you rest, reflection, and recovery while making memories with your loved ones. Take care of yourself, support one another, and have a fantastic break!

Here is to an outstanding 2023!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley