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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - June 10, 2022

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - June 10, 2022

Dear District 30 Family,

As we head into our last couple of school days, I thank you for your support and commitment to our students throughout this school year. Our students had a terrific school year together! Last night’s 8th-Grade Graduation and other year-end events lifted our spirits and reminded us how fortunate we are in District 30.

Thank you to our staff for giving more every day this year as they generated effective, happy classrooms. Thank you to our students who remained engaged and positive throughout the year. Thank you to our parents for supporting our continued march back to the new normal. We have much for which to be grateful and look forward to continuing this trend in summer school and as we plan for the fall!

I wish you a fantastic and rejuvenating summer with your friends and loved ones!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley