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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Letter to Community on Safety Priorities - May 25, 2022

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Letter to Community on Safety Priorities - May 25, 2022

Dear District 30 Family,

We were deeply saddened by the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, yesterday. We stand together with the support of one another and know that events like this take time to process. 

Continued Priority of Safety

Safety remains our highest priority, and we have comprehensive safety plans in place that remain coordinated with local authorities. Including but not limited to: 

  • Conducting regular lockdown and safety drills
  • Working closely with the Glenview and Northbrook Police Departments & School Resource Officers
  • Continuous training with our staff
  • Evaluating and hardening our buildings and classrooms
  • Requiring all visitors to check with proper identification at the front office through secure entrances
  • Promoting a See Something Say Something culture

In addition, Glenview and Northbrook Police Departments are increasing police presence around our schools for the remainder of the year.


We will all process this tragedy in different ways as we provide support within our schools. Our Student Services Department will be available to students and staff throughout today and the days ahead. 

Addressing the topic at home may or may not be necessary. It is natural for our students to have questions about this senseless violence. To support you, we are sharing recommendations from the National Association of School Psychologists on how to best talk to children about violent acts. 

The resource advises parents or caregivers to find out if their children know about the event and suggest the following:

  • Reassure children that they are safe, and we work together to make school a safe place.
  • Make time to talk. Keep your explanations calm and developmentally appropriate (see article for details).
  • Avoid graphic details and exposure to media when possible. It is best to share basic information in a straightforward and direct manner. Limit social media and television viewing.
  • Review safety protocols and remind children they have safe adults to turn to at home and school.
  • Maintain a typical routine and be mindful of changes in behavior, appetite, and sleep patterns, which can indicate a child’s level of anxiety or discomfort.

We hope this list is helpful to you as you navigate potential questions regarding this incident at home. Please feel free to partner with us as we proceed.

Our hearts are with all those impacted by this horrific violence, and we grieve with all of those impacted.


Dr. Brian K. Wegley

Mr. Sam Kurtz
Maple Principal

Dr. Chris Brown
Wescott Principal

Dr. Scott Carlson
Willowbrook Principal