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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - April 15, 2022

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - April 15, 2022

Dear District 30 Family,

Our students and staff continue to enjoy a great school year, demonstrating empathy and kindness as we move forward together. Thank you for your continued support. 

At last night’s Board Meeting, the Board approved my June 30, 2023 retirement, and I am most appreciative to be ending my career in District 30! With much to accomplish next year, I will faithfully serve District 30 until my final day and will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition for our next superintendent.

Included below are a few notes as we continue on this journey:

COVID-19 Guidance Updated: We recently received Updated ISBE/IDPH Joint Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in School that has aligned with new CDC guidance and continues to require exclusion of positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts while maintaining the weekly testing requirements for unvaccinated staff. FAQs for Schools were also updated.

Even though our region remains in the low transmission range, our local COVID-19 rates have risen over the past few weeks, and this week’s local dashboard calculates the cases per 100K for Cook County at 121 and Northfield Township at 208. Our in-school cases have also increased and are shown on the District 30 COVID-19 Case Dashboard, with 10 cases so far this week. 

Pausing Ruvna Beginning April 18, 2022: District 30 will pause daily self-certification, Ruvna, beginning on April 18, 2022. The requirement to keep students home who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms and have a negative COVID-19 test to return to school remains in place. We continue to see COVID-19 cases and appreciate everyone’s partnership. Please alert your school nurse’s office directly through email if symptoms emerge, and we will continue to follow health-department guidance. 

April 14 Board Brief & Dr. Wegley’s Retirement: The Board of Education approved Dr. Wegley’s June 30, 2023 retirement, approved our Presidential Award for Educational Excellence resolution, and enjoyed the 6-8 Social Studies and Willowbrook School Reports. Click here to read more. 

SHIELD Testing Resumes After Positive Case: Thank you to everyone who remains engaged in SHIELD testing. Participating students will resume SHIELD testing 90 days after a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. Please contact Lauren Schulman at lschulman@district30.org should you have any questions.

Enjoy your weekend!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley