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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - March 18, 2022

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - March 18, 2022

Dear District 30 Family,

This week’s warmer weather has given us a glimpse of the days ahead! We look forward to a return to outdoor activities!

Thank you for your continued support as we navigate the twists and turns of this time together. Everyone’s thoughtful support shifting away from our universal masking requirement has been appreciated. Thank you for emphasizing empathy and kindness as we continue to progress together. 

Included below are a few notes as we continue on this journey:

Local COVID-19 Rates: Our local COVID-19 rates have stabilized, and this week’s local dashboard captured the cases per 100K for Cook County at 73 and Northfield Township at 134. Our in-school cases are shown on the District 30 COVID-19 Case Dashboard, with 1 case so far this week. 

Thank you to everyone who remains engaged in SHIELD testing, which offers significant value to our staff and students. We will continue SHIELD testing after our break. Thank you to the 89% of our families who remain engaged in this important mitigation effort. Families who have opted out of testing may opt back in when we return from Spring Break by contacting Ms. Lauren Schulman at lschulman@district30.org by Wednesday, March 23.

March 17 Board Brief: The Board of Education ratified our shift away from universally required masking and warmly welcomed Ms. Katie Compagno as Wescott’s first assistant principal for next fall. Click here to read more. 

I wish everyone a fantastic and safe Spring Break and hope you find meaningful time with your loved ones!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley