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Maple School Student Council Supports the Philly Baer Foundation with Love and Smiles

Maple School Student Council Supports the Philly Baer Foundation with Love and Smiles

Maple School Principals Sam Kurtz, Betty Holzkopf, parent Eric Baer, Student Council Co-sponsors Lynn Reimer and Iris Zhang, parent Marnie Baer, and Supt. Dr. Brian Wegley.

On March 18, Maple School's Student Council, with Co-sponsors Lynn Reimer and Iris Zhang, presented parents Marnie and Eric Baer with a donation to the Philly Baer Foundation, created in loving memory of their son, Philly Baer, a beloved Maple student who died in 2018. Their daughter Haley Baer is a Maple School alum.

Also in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley, Maple School Principal Sam Kurtz, and Assistant Principal Betty Holzkopf; and Student Council members President Adrianna Park, Vice President Oscar Lee, Secretary Helena Yang, Fund Chair Hanning Zhu, Assistant Fund Chair, Jackson Chen, Social Chair Dana Morgen, and Assistant Social Chair Emma Karp.

Each year, since his passing, the Maple Student Council has contributed monetary donations to the Philly Baer Foundation after hosting fundraisers during the school year. Despite these challenging, always changing times, Student Council members held a successful Candy Gram Valentine’s Day fundraiser and many bake sales throughout the year to raise money for the organization this year.

"Philly Baer came into the world on April 1, 2004 with PCH (Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia). This rare brain malformation caused multiple physical and cognitive handicaps. Philly persevered. His laughter touched people’s hears, His entire face smiled, radiating joy. He was a happy kid, really happy,” said Ms. Baer.

Each Student Council member spoke about how Philly’s life and story have impacted them, and Mrs. Baer reminded each person of the difference they are making in the world with their service to others.

“Philly will always be remembered for his radiant smile, which lit up hallways and classrooms, and inspired students, administrators, and staff members every day for his resilience and positivity,” said Ms. Reimer.

"Thank you so much. We are so grateful for your support and for always remembering Philly," said a teary Mrs. Baer.

"He triumphed over his challenges, learning to brush his teeth, feed himself with his gait trainer, and loved to swim. He did all these things until he couldn’t. He was resilient until he wasn’t. Philly died in 2018 when his brain stem could no longer support his body’s needs. The mission of the Philly Baer Foundation has grown out of Philly’s persistence and that of his therapists, and the tremendous love and support of so many staff members at Maple School,” she exclaimed.

The Philly Baer Foundation's mission is to improve the lives of children with special needs and their families by supporting medical research and providing access to healthcare and therapies. The Philly Baer Foundation purchased an adaptive swing in 2019 for the special needs playground at Maple School. http://phillybaerfoundation.org

After the presentation, attendees went out to the playground to view a new plaque installed this week on Philly's adaptive swing, which reads, “In Memory of Philly Baer, 2004-2018. This special plaque was installed by District 30’s Buildings and Grounds Coordinator Jason Borst and Maintenance Mechanic Federico Lopez.

After the Baers thanked everyone for their love and care, Dr. Wegley with Sam Kurtz and Betty Holzkopf echoed their pride in the students, reminding them that they are a constant beacon of hope.

Dr. Wegley told them how they have impacted the world around them by the good things they accomplish for others.

“The world around you feels your impact. You all make a difference. I am grateful to be beside you all. District 30 is a special place because of you,” he stated.