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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - February 18, 2022

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - February 18, 2022

Dear District 30 Family,

Last night, the Illinois Appellate Court issued a ruling that lets the Sangamon County Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) stand. It continues to apply only to those individuals and school districts named in the lawsuit.

What does that mean for District 30? As we have communicated from the beginning of the year, our mitigation plans have included requiring masks. Therefore, for now, District 30’s universal masking requirements remain in place. 

District 30’s Plan to Evolve Mitigations with a Mask-Recommended Environment

Last night was our first Board Meeting since the TRO was put in place. The Board Brief is here. The Board of Education directed our administrative team to bring them an updated Safe Return to School Plan and the target date for shifting in the near future. The Board will evaluate the plan and establish the date for transition at a special Board of Education Meeting on Thursday, February 24, at 7:30 p.m.

Board President Mrs. Artz summarized, “The plan will support our transition to a mask-recommended environment that provides for the preparation and gives time to let rates continue to drop. We will consider a recommended effective date and will work together as a community to be successful, as we have with everything else throughout this pandemic.”

District 30 is positioned well for this transition. With rates dropping and most of our students having access to vaccines, District 30’s administration was already discussing doing so before the chaos created by this ruling. Part of our transition work will be to prepare students and staff for our mask-recommended environment. We will need compassion, empathy, and kindness as we proceed. 

The circumstances of the past two weeks have created disorder and confusion for all of us. What is most important to all of us is maintaining civility with a focus on learning for all of our students. Thank you for your continued partnership.


Dr. Brian K. Wegley