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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - January 21, 2022

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - January 21, 2022

Dear District 30 Family,

Thank you for your continued partnership! We had a good week of learning. I know that we all share an appreciation for our teachers, who remain deeply committed to our efforts as they continue to heroically navigate the challenges of this time, and provide as much normalcy as possible for our students! 

We are thankful for our nurses and their work implementing our new shortened quarantine and isolation guidance from ISBE and IDPH that aligns with the CDC. We will continue to monitor its effectiveness and are grateful to have our family members return more promptly when they meet the criteria.

Included below are a few notes as we continue on this journey together:

  • COVID-19 Rates Remain High with Significant Declines: Northfield schools continue to track COVID-19 rates in the community on our Northfield Township COVID-19 Elementary School Local Public Health Dashboard. Rates are calculated daily and the dashboard is updated weekly. Although our rates remain high, it has been encouraging to register significant drops in local metrics. Our COVID-19 Case Dashboard will continue to be updated with cases on the date they occur, and we are hopeful that we will continue to see our district cases decline as well. Thank you to everyone for continuing to monitor symptoms and for staying home when they are present. We hope to see these trends continue.
  • In addition, the US Government is sponsoring an effort to supply every US household with at-home testing kits. Two websites where you can order kits through this program include https://www.covidtests.gov/ and https://special.usps.com/confirmation
  • January 20 Board Brief: The Board of Education approved Willowbrook’s playground improvement bids and next year’s staffing plan that will maintain class-size standards. This includes the hiring of an Elementary Assistant Principal to support Wescott, as its enrollment now exceeds 500 students. Click here to read more.
  • School Support: Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help through our teaching staff should the need arise. Remaining connected and accessing the many resources in our community is a strength. 

Thank you for your continued support. We will get through this time together! We remain incredibly proud of our educators and students who continue meaningful learning amidst this spike in COVID-19 cases in our area and across our nation. 


Dr. Brian K. Wegley