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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - December 10, 2021

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - December 10, 2021

Dear District 30 Family,

I hope that this email finds you and your family doing well! I thank our administrators and staff who served at our 5-11 vaccination clinics. Thank you also to the Villages of Northbrook and Glenview for all of their coordination and support. We are lucky! The highlight of the clinics was a parent who entered on the first day and quietly said, “don’t anyone mention a second shot.” The clinics went very well, and we appreciate that our township continues to commit to vaccinations and other mitigation measures.

Included here are a few notes as we continue this journey together:

  • SHIELD Testing Opened for All: District 30 has found great value in the state-funded weekly SHIELD COVID-19 testing. SHIELD testing has illuminated about one-third of our positive COVID-19 cases. SHIELD testing has also allowed us to keep classes in session, even through a few COVID-19 case flare-ups. SHIELD testing will continue to be required for unvaccinated students who participate in athletics and our upcoming Maple Musical. 

With area COVID-19 metrics on the rise along with the fact that there are breakthrough cases for vaccinated individuals, we are thankful that SHIELD has opened up weekly testing to all vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in our schools. We hope to leverage testing for all vaccinated and unvaccinated students and staff who wish to participate in weekly SHIELD Monitor Testing as soon as we return from Winter Break. 

No action is required to participate, and all students are encouraged to do so. If you opt-out, please do so by Thursday, December 23. To opt-out or check your status, log into the parent portal (https://ps.district30.org/public), click on Forms in the left navigation menu and Click on SHIELD Status under General.

If you have previously opted out of SHIELD testing, Power School has already been updated with that information, which can be edited up through Thursday, December 23. 

Remaining Connected: The recent incident at Plaza del Prado reminds us of the benefits of being a close-knit community. The most significant factor in keeping each other safe is our connectedness and mutual trust. As always, reach out to building principals or staff with questions or concerns about any safety issue. Please also remember that Text-A-Tip remains available to Maple students and families.

School Support: Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help through our teaching staff should the need arise. Remaining connected and accessing the many resources in our community is a strength. 

Thank you for your continued support as we look forward to our last week of school in 2021!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley