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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - November 19, 2021

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - November 19, 2021

Dear District 30 Family,

We had another great week of school! As we wrap up American Education Week, please join me in thanking our committed and talented educators across District 30. They have shown up every day for our students, focusing on their growth and well-being, and the normalcy they are generating for our students is inspiring!

It has been exciting to see our 5 to 11-year-old students receiving their vaccinations. We are grateful to the Villages of Northbrook and Glenview for partnering with Northfield Township Schools for our vaccination clinic last Thursday and this Wednesday. Thank you also to our parents for remaining engaged in the SHIELD monitoring. We have now given nearly 10,000 COVID-19 SHIELD tests, and this layer of protection continues to be a valuable one.

We are continuing our mitigation strategies during the school day and at all school functions. As you prepare for Thanksgiving, we wish your families a fantastic holiday and recommend that we all reference the CDC’s Holiday Celebrations guidance.

Included here are a few notes as we continue this journey together:

Planning for a Chicago Winter: Soon, we will enjoy another Chicago winter! As we do, there is value in reviewing our guidelines for school closures. As we navigate the challenges winter brings, student and staff safety will remain our highest priority. We will hold in-person school when the learning environment will be safe and productive. 

Suppose a weather-related school building closure occurs. In that case, we intend to run an eProfessional Development Day on the first interrupted day (staff development for staff and an actual snow day for students).  If there are any additional weather-related school building closures, we will hold eLearning days instead of canceling school. With our delayed start date that supported our Elementary Capacity Project, we don't anticipate using any of our Emergency Days at the end of the year to make up missed school days. 

District 30 COVID-19 Dashboards: District 30 continues to track local COVID-19 information. Keep up with local and District 30 rates on the following dashboards:

November 18 Board Brief: We thanked our Board of Education for their service, approved Willowbrook Playground Equipment that will be installed in the summer of 2022, and supported our tentative levy. Click here to read more.   

School Support: Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help through our teaching staff should the need arise. Remaining connected and accessing the many resources in our community is a strength. 

Thank you for your continued support, and have a great weekend!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley