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Board of Education and Principals Honor PTO Co-Presidents

Board of Education and Principals Honor PTO Co-Presidents

During the May 13 Board of Education meeting, the 2020-21 outgoing and present PTO Co-Presidents at Maple, Wescott, and Willowbrook Schools were honored for their dedicated service with certificates of recognition by Board President Nancy Artz and Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley. They included Maple PTO Co-Presidents Christie Hartbarger and Sonia Rizki; Wescott PTO Co-Presidents Ankur Singal and Norbert Barszczewski; and Willowbrook Co-Presidents Tricia Brown and Danielle Pollack.

Each leader expressed deep appreciation for the PTOs’ myriad successes, especially during this challenging pandemic year. Each school principal gave a sincere speech filled with warmth and gratitude for their volunteerism and commitment to our schools and community.

Maple Principal Sam Kurtz stated, “Thank you to Christie and Sonia for their creativity throughout this challenging year. I applaud them for their amazing commitment to serving our children, staff, and community! They truly are tireless and unbelievable. Willowbrook Principal Dr. Scott Carlson has said that a true leader inspires others to commit, that is what Sonia and Christie did."

"From day one of this school year, until now, they kept the herd moving at a positive pace. First, they were instrumental in branding our new Maple logo featuring the mighty mustang with the 'We Are One Herd' motto. They also gave T-shirts to all of our staff at the beginning of the year.  They held two book fairs, hosted myriad 'dine out’ programs, held a mask and yard sign fundraiser, which all contributed to the PTO’s recent and sizable donation to the school.  They presented $20,000 to Maple, which allowed administrators to purchase 10 new electronic keyboards for the music program, a new conference board sign for the west gymnasium, and banners that are now stationed outside of the building. Their innovative ideas will continue to push us forward. Their leadership was a true example of collaboration, and they certainly deserve applause."

The new Maple PTO Co-Presidents for the 2021-22 school year are Janelle Duthie and Julie Yarosh.

Willowbrook Principal Dr. Scott Carlson shared his appreciation, “Our PTO’s have given us incredible support, from opening day which featured green-and-white balloon arches at our entrance, to the Willowbrook Strong sign, the Halloween celebration, and the fantastic Teacher Appreciation Week signs, treats, and meals! It is not easy to be a leader/volunteer, but Danielle and Tricia did a terrific job. A sign of a great leader is how you set things up for those to follow, and you did just that. Thank you."

Co-Presidents Danielle and Tricia with their PTO committees also coordinated three virtual assemblies, provided funds for the new audio systems in classrooms, created a new Willy (mascot) logo, and hosted playground fundraisers, which will continue through 2022!  Willowbrook’s playground will be installed in spring/summer 2022. They also had a great partnership with Wescott PTO Co-Presidents Mr. Singal and Mr. Barszczewski.

"We will miss your positivity, intelligence, talents, and leadership next year Tricia, but I know you will be working with PTO Co-President Danielle and incoming PTO Co-President Elysse Radford on our playground fundraisers,” Dr. Carlson concluded.

Wescott Principal Dr. Chris Brown congratulated the outgoing PTO Co-Presidents, and said, “We celebrate and thank Ankur Singal and Norbert Barszczewski for being wonderful partners at Wescott. I realize that this was an especially challenging year, but you persevered and created fantastic fundraisers and events for all. Our annual Walk for Wescott fundraiser was extremely successful, you supported Character Counts!, and kept our birthday signs initiative going. The highlight has been our PTO playground fundraisers, which began a few years ago." 

The new Wescott PTO Co-Presidents for the 2021-22 school year are Nisa Rajani and Kerry S. Moore.

Recently, PTO Treasurer Jennifer Wyton presented Dr. Brown with $35,000 for the new playground, which will be ready at the start of the school year, September 2. As a result of many successful fundraisers and a generous community, the Wescott PTO has contributed $100,000 to help build the new playground.

"We appreciate the PTOs' incredible support. This playground will serve our children well into the future!” Dr. Brown added.