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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - March 5, 2021

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - March 5, 2021

Dear District 30 Family,

Thank you for another great week. We continue to appreciate our teachers’ commitment, students’ engagement, and parents’ support. This year has required more from everyone, and we remain proud of and grateful for everyone’s exceptional efforts and partnership. Together, we will make it to the other side of this global pandemic.

Area COVID-19 rates remained relatively constant again this week. We hope to return to a downward trend. Please continue to respect the risks this virus poses by wearing masks and social distance when you gather with anyone outside your household. As you consider your plans for Spring Break, please remain safe and committed to the safety of our entire community.

Here are a few notes as we continue this journey together:

Travel Guidance In Our FAQs

We have updated our Parent Phased Operations FAQs to include the travel guidance we shared last week. Note that a student's test results to allow return must be a  negative molecular test (e.g., PCR). Also, to clarify International Travel, should your family need to consider it: 

Anyone traveling internationally:

Must complete a 10-day quarantine, OR 

If strict masking and social distancing are maintained, a student’s negative molecular test (e.g., PCR) result 3-5 days after returning to the U.S. AND a 7-day quarantine after returning will allow a student back into school.  

Individuals who have tested positive within the last 90 days are exempt from testing or quarantining for international travel. (Note: It is our understanding that vaccinated individuals are not exempt from quarantine when traveling internationally.)

We will continue to monitor travel guidance as it evolves.

School Support: Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help through your teachers if and when the need arises. Remaining connected and accessing the many resources in our community is a strength.

I look forward to continuing our partnership as we care for our students and each other. We have some challenges ahead of us, but they will not exceed those we have already overcome together. Have a great weekend and enjoy the warmer weather!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley
