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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - February 26, 2021

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - February 26, 2021

Dear District 30 Family,

Thank you for another great week. This year has required more from everyone, and we remain proud of and grateful for everyone’s exceptional efforts and partnership. We continue to appreciate our teachers’ commitment, students’ engagement, and parents’ support.

Area COVID-19 rates remained relatively constant this week. We hope to return to a downward trend. Please continue to respect the risk this virus poses by wearing masks and social distance when you gather with anyone outside your household.

Here are a few notes as we continue this journey together:

Travel Guidance & Post Spring Break Plans

Cook County Travel Guidance 

The safety of our students and staff remains our highest priority. The Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) aligned their travel guidance with The City of Chicago’s Emergency Travel Order.

Travel in the United States (view the map here) is classified into yellow (less than 15 daily/105 weekly cases per 100K residents) and orange for states that exceed that threshold. Please review the Chicago Travel Order FAQ. 

The Cook County Department of Public Health strongly discourages non-essential travel. The District 30 Family has demonstrated remarkable honesty and commitment to safety, and we ask everyone to continue to make decisions that reduce the risk for our schools and communities. We all remain responsible for the level of risk we introduce to our schools and community. In all cases of travel and interactions with individuals outside of your homes, please maintain strict masking, social distancing, and monitor your health for COVID-19 symptoms. 

If you need to travel within Illinois or to a state on the yellow list, no COVID-19 test or quarantine is required upon return. You must maintain strict masking and social distancing.

If you need to travel to a state on the orange list:

Complete a 10-day quarantine, OR

If strict masking and social distancing are maintained, a pre-arrival negative PCR test result (no longer than 72 hours prior to arrival) will allow for the return to in-person learning. Anyone traveling for less than 72 hours should be tested (PCR) upon return to suburban Cook County and quarantine until they receive negative results.

Individuals who have tested positive within the last 90 days or fully vaccinated individuals are exempt from testing or quarantining for domestic travel. Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks following the second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, are exempt from testing and quarantining after domestic travel as long as no symptoms associated with COVID-19 are present. All individuals must still maintain strict masking and social distancing.

Anyone traveling internationally includes fully vaccinated individuals:

Complete a 10-day quarantine, OR 

If strict masking and social distancing are maintained, a negative PCR test result 3-5 days and a full 7 days after their return. 

Individuals who have tested positive within the last 90 days are exempt from testing or quarantining for international travel. (Note: It is our understanding that vaccinated individuals are not exempt from quarantine when traveling internationally.)

We will continue to monitor travel guidance as it evolves.

Regarding Spring Break

Spring Break will run from Monday, March 22 through Friday, March 26. Unless there is a dramatic shift in local metrics or health guidance, we do not anticipate an Adaptive Pause after Spring Break. District 30 will resume phased operations on Monday, March 29.

We will develop a system with individuals who need to travel to submit the required COVID-19 PCR test to return on Monday, March 29, with affirmation that mitigation strategies were maintained.

Board Meeting: Sincere appreciation for our teachers’ commitment and care, our students’ flexibility and perseverance, and our parents’ partnership were all highlighted! Please read more about the meeting in the February 25 Board Brief.

Support needed regarding School: Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help through your teachers if and when the need arises. Remaining connected and accessing the many resources in our community is a strength.

Have a great weekend.


Dr. Brian K. Wegley
