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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - January 15, 2021

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - January 15, 2021

Dear District 30 Family,

We hope that everyone had another good week, and we know that we will reach the other side of this global pandemic together. We are excited to resume our in-person phased operations models as we continue to invest in our full-remote instruction on Tuesday, January 19. We continue to appreciate our teachers’ commitment, the engagement of our students, and the support of our parents. We remain committed to every student in our care and look forward to applying all that we have learned to the 2021 half of this school year.

Here are a few notes as we continue this journey together:

Resume In-Person Learning on January 19: We return to our in-person models on Tuesday, January 19. It is important to note that travel guidance remains in effect. Students who have traveled outside of the State of Illinois must complete the 14-day quarantine before returning for in-person learning. 

In-Person Mitigation Strategies Continue: COVID-19 Mitigation strategies will remain in place for our in-person learning models, and they will be reviewed with students when we return. Please ensure that each in-person student wears one mask and has a second in their bag. Also, reinforce the importance of maintaining social distancing and regular hand cleaning. Please review school newsletters and review specific operational changes for this year. Please also check our Parent Phased Operations FAQs for more information.

Snow Days & Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 15: As we resume school, we remain in the middle of a Chicago Winter. In the case of a major snowstorm or extremely cold day, school buildings will be closed. If a weather-related school building closure occurs, we will utilize an eLearning day instead of canceling school. We don't anticipate using our Emergency Days to make up missed school days as we have in the past. Therefore, our designated Emergency "Snow" Day on February 15 will be a non-attendance day.

Support: Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help through your teachers if and when the need arises. Remaining connected and accessing the many resources in our community is a strength. Note that Northbrook-based CATCH will put on a Healing & Understanding After Suicide program on Sunday, January 17, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom.

In-Person Board Meetings Resume on January 21: Our Board resumes in-person meetings at Maple’s Cafetorium on January 21 at 7:30 p.m. Visitors are welcome and will complete a screening that includes a temperature check. All individuals present will socially distance with masks during the meeting. 

Free COVID-19 Testing in Glenview: Free testing has been established in Glenview at Flick Park. Read more about this here.

COVID-19 Positive Cases: Thank you for continuing to fill out our Ruvna form. As we resume in-person models, we will continue to send out any positive cases within our schools. We had six (note, this is two higher than we had reported last Friday) positive COVID-19 cases last week and one positive individual this week who was not within our buildings. Remember that we are a resource. We will return to our all-district emails for COVID-19 positive cases next week.

Partner to Lower Positivity Rates - Be a Safety Ambassador

Thank you for helping us work together to control the spread of COVID-19. After fluctuating metrics last week, this week has seen a return to a downward trend in all local COVID-19 rates as Glenbrook hospitalizations continue to drop. We hope to continue this trend. Please keep wearing masks and social distance when you gather with anyone outside of your household. I join the plea of Glenbrook Hospital President, Mr. Jesse Hall. He asks all of us to pledge our help:

When we curb the rise in positive cases, that means we’re helping to keep our communities, families, and friends safe.

I am asking you, your family, and staff to consider becoming COVID Safety Ambassadors with this goal in mind. You can pledge to keep yourself and the ones you love safe from COVID by signing the COVID Safety Promise.

You can access the Safety Ambassador toolkit and pledge here:  https://www.northshore.org/covid-19-information-resources/covid-19-safety-toolkit/

Have a great long weekend. On Monday, we pause for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which offers us a chance to reflect on the power of love and acceptance. One of his quotes speaks to me at this time:

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

This is a time for us all to continue to share grace and care for one another. Thank you again for your support throughout our adaptive pause. We look forward to resuming our in-person models on Tuesday!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley