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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - December 18, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Weekly Update - December 18, 2020

"Optimism is essential to achievement, and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress." - Nicholas Murray Butler


Dear District 30 Family,

This year will impact the rest of our lives. The same will be true for our students. It has been a year of stress, heroes, loss, giving, care, and perseverance. Responsibility for all students, relationships and collegiality, and child-centric practices remain our core values. 

Reflecting on all that we have accomplished together for our students fills me with pride. I continue to feel blessed to be here, working through these challenges with all of you. I am incredibly proud of our committed staff, engage students, and supportive parents and Board. We remain united in our efforts. In that vein, our Glenview/Northbrook COVID-19 Taskforce continues to meet. Please review our latest taskforce update that includes a continued plea for a safe and responsible winter break that will pay dividends for our community. Our collective efforts have lowered case numbers. Let’s continue that trend!

As we approach 2021, we have good reason to embrace hope and optimism. We are beginning to see the path through this pandemic. Also, as with any challenging period, there will be enduring impacts from COVID-19. My doctor shared that the intense focus on a COVID-19 vaccine will pay dividends for years to come and should generate new, more effective, and affordable medications for society. Also, consider how our new technological understandings and tools will enhance our abilities to support students in the future.

As we continue through the holidays, I wish you a peaceful, healthy, and safe break that allows for meaningful time with your loved ones. Thank you for your partnership, civility, and care. 


Dr. Brian K. Wegley