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Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's Weekly Update - November 20, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's Weekly Update - November 20, 2020

Dear District 30 Family,

Thank you for your continuous support as we navigate this COVID-19 global pandemic together. Here are a few important notes as we prepare for this portion of this year’s journey together:

Our Full-Remote Journey: Remote learning will be much different than it was last spring. Please review our eLearning Resource Guide. I am confident that together, we will do this well and that our students will continue to move forward as we all remain connected. K-3 in-person parents, please allow some time for routines to strengthen.

November 23 and 24 will be Remote Planning Days: The State of Illinois incorporated five Remote Planning Days for professional development into this year’s school calendars. District 30 has employed one half-day from this allocation, intending to utilize the remainder to assist with our transition if an adaptive pause should be needed. Thank you for supporting planning days on November 23 and 24. Our grade-level Professional Learning Teams will work together to co-plan lessons for the coming weeks and prepare for our full-remote learning journey. 

Re-Registration: Thank you for completing our re-registration process. Families who are changing models will be contacted by December 11, and new selections will begin when we return from our adaptive pause. We will utilize our November Phased Operations Surveys’ valuable feedback to tweak both of our models as we set ourselves up for a great 2021 half of our year. 

Parent Phased Operations FAQ: We will continue to update our Parent Phased Operations FAQ with information about our adaptive pause. Please continue to use this resource as we navigate this time together.

Partner to Lower Positivity Rates - Be a Safety Ambassador

Our Northfield Township COVID-19 Elementary School Local Public Health Dashboard metrics continue to rise but are slowing in Northfield Township over the past few days. There was a spike in cases in our area following Halloween highlighted in this week’s Glenview/Northbrook COVID-19 Task Force communication. 

There was also a spike in youth cases (<20) following Halloween:

COVID-19 positivity rates have risen in our communities. We can and must do our part to commit to stemming the rise in cases. I join the plea of Glenbrook Hospital President, Mr. Jesse Hall. He asks all of us to pledge our help:

When we curb the rise in positive cases, that means we’re helping to keep our communities, families, and friends safe.

I am asking you, your family, and staff to consider becoming COVID Safety Ambassadors with this goal in mind. You can pledge to keep yourself and the ones you love safe from COVID by signing the COVID Safety Promise.

You can access the Safety Ambassador toolkit and pledge here:  https://www.northshore.org/covid-19-information-resources/covid-19-safety-toolkit/

Give Thanks

This time will continue to challenge us. As is the case with all difficulties we experience, there is no way around them. We must face the realities, work through them, and we will get to the other side. Remaining unified as we move forward will make us stronger when we get to the other side. When I was young and would share a problem I faced with my dear grandmother, I could always count on hearing, “If we were to walk into any room and have everyone in the room throw their problems into the center, we would gladly pick our own challenges up and move forward with gratitude.” I continue to hear her words ringing in my head, and she still gives me perspective. 

As we head into the Thanksgiving Holiday, it is appropriate that we reflect on all we have to be thankful for living in this community. Keep sharing and caring. Michael J. Fox’s quote offers a great reminder, “With gratitude, optimism becomes sustainable.” I am thankful for our committed educators, perseverant and engaged students, and for your support. 

Thank you for your continued civility and partnership throughout this time. I wish you all a fantastic, safe, and healthy Thanksgiving!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley