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Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's Weekly Update - November 6, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's Weekly Update - November 6, 2020

Thank you to all of our District 30 Family Members for your partnership as we thoughtfully continue education through this global COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to be proud of everyone’s efforts and care throughout this time.

A few important District 30 notes for this week:

Phased Operations Surveys & Re-Registration Timeline for January through June 2021:

Thank you for completing our Phased Operations Surveys by November 8. Please be on the lookout for another email from me for our re-registration process on Monday, November 9. Please complete this through our parent portal by November 16. Thank you in advance for your attention to this important process. Please keep in mind that class assignments for the 2021 half of our school year may shift as needed to maintain our safety protocols and accommodate change requests. 

We look forward to our continued collaboration and shared responsibility to educate and care for all of our students as we navigate this highly unusual year. Our in-person hybrid and full-remote models will continue to be fully supported!

Area Metrics Continue to Rise - We Need to Remain Vigilant: 

As I have been sharing, our health dashboard “signals” when there is a need for Northfield Township schools to contact the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH). Our COVID-19 metrics continue to rise, as reflected on our Northfield Township COVID-19 Elementary School Local Public Health Dashboard. Seven metrics remain at a substantial level.

Our internal metrics continue to be stable, but my guess is that more of us are seeing COVID-19 impact individuals we know. I am grateful for the exceptional efforts everyone is giving, and it is clear that continuing our models is not guaranteed but require an even greater commitment to our risk-mitigation efforts inside and outside of school, including:

  • Practice social distancing
  • Wear a mask
  • Wash your hands and avoid touching your face
  • Limit travel
  • Stay home when sick

As area metrics continue to rise, thank you for all of your continued support and extra vigilance!

Limit Our Bubbles

Our strategy of maintaining cohorts of students in school to minimize exposure continues. We are asking you to please do the same. This will be especially true as we consider our actions over upcoming holidays and family celebrations. Community spread is increasingly being traced back to indoor gatherings where bubbles are temporarily expanded with family and friends. We implore all of the District 30 Family to remain vigilant during this time of high COVID-19 cases. As we continue to navigate this global pandemic together, we are each responsible for the level of risk we bring into our school community. Let’s continue to respond to the risks of COVID-19 responsibly.

Even though we continue to operate successfully, we remain aware of IDPH’s Adaptive Pause Guidance. A shift to full eLearning could occur should one be recommended or required due to challenges within our operations.