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Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's Weekly Update - October 23, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's Weekly Update - October 23, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's Weekly Update - October 23, 2020

Thank you to all of our District 30 Family Members for your partnership as we continue education thoughtfully through this global COVID-19 pandemic. As I continue to visit our in-person and full-remote classrooms, our students’ and staff’s effort, commitment, perseverance, and engagement is inspiring! We also continue to be grateful for the strong partnership with our parents!

Our Glenview/Northbrook COVID-19 Task Force also continues to meet every two weeks. I am thankful for our ongoing intergovernmental collaboration across our villages, and you can read the latest task force communication.

A few important District 30 notes for this week: 

•Phased Operations Surveys & Re-Registration Timeline for January through June 2021: Thank you for your continued partnership throughout this global pandemic. We value and continue to commit to meaningful education for all of our students within our in-person hybrid and full-remote models.

District 30 will seek parent feedback with Phased Operations Surveys from November 2 through November 8. Thank you in advance for your insights.

On November 9, parents will be given the opportunity to reselect their in-person hybrid or full-remote option from January 4 through June 2 (the end of the 2020-2021 school year). This second “Registration Confirmation” process is required by November 16. If you change your selection, please know that we will follow up with you directly by Friday, December 11, with more details. Please keep in mind that class assignments for the 2021 half of our school year may shift as needed to maintain our safety protocols and accommodate change requests.

We look forward to our continued collaboration and shared responsibility to educate and care for all of our students as we navigate this highly unusual year. Our in-person hybrid and full-remote models will continue to be fully supported

•Area Metrics are Rising - Remaining Vigilant: Our health dashboard signals when there is a need for Northfield Township schools to contact the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH). We have all been hearing about rising COVID-19 cases across the State of Illinois. In the last week, all twelve metrics have increased within our Northfield Township COVID-19 Elementary School Local Public Health Dashboard. Weekly cases per 100K residents are currently at the substantial level for Region 10, Northfield Township, and Northfield Township plus Adjacent Zip Codes. A total of eight of our twelve metrics are at a substantial level. We continue to monitor these rising metrics. Even with the rise in metrics, our internal measurements of COVID-19 quarantines and cases remain stable.

Northfield Township Superintendents spoke with the CCDPH again this week to gain their insights and advice. They recommended that we continue to monitor operations within each of our schools.

As a reminder, IDPH has developed Adaptive Pause Guidance should our operations or external metrics dictate a temporary shift to full-remote learning. We will continue to monitor our school metrics and remain in touch with CCDPH to gain their insights in the coming weeks.

Please continue to commit to our risk-mitigation efforts inside and outside of school, including hand hygiene, wearing masks, and support social distancing as we avoid touching our faces. We are also maintaining cohorts of students to minimize exposure. Please continue to do the same and wear masks and social distancing when you interface with others outside your home. As we continue to navigate this global pandemic together, we are each responsible for the level of risk we bring into our school community. Let’s continue to react to the risks of COVID-19 responsibly.