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Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's Weekly Update - October 16, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley's  Weekly Update - October 16, 2020

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian K. Wegley

Dr. Wegley’s Weekly Update

Thank you to all of our District 30 Family Members for your partnership as we continue education thoughtfully through this global COVID-19 Pandemic. As I continue to visit our in-person and full-remote classrooms, the effort, commitment, perseverance, and engagement of our students and staff are inspiring! We also continue to be grateful for the strong partnership with our parents!

A few important notes for this week:

•Parent-Teacher Conference Thank you: Thank you to our parents and teachers for your commitment to our students through this fall’s Parent-Teacher Conferences. As I visited all of our schools, I was impressed with the flexibility and care exhibited by all of our teachers as they shared insights about each of their students. Please know that we were all extremely grateful for the kind gestures of gratitude expressed by our parents to our incredible teachers for going above and beyond for all of our students. I continue to be proud to serve this community and the District 30 Family!

•Area Metrics are Ticking Up - Remaining Vigilant: In the last week, all but one of our twelve metrics has increased within our Northfield Township COVID-19 Elementary School Local Public Health Dashboard. Region 10’s weekly cases per 100K residents returned to a substantial level. Although eight of our twelve metrics remain within the minimal designation, several others could shift to the moderate or substantial level in the coming weeks. Northfield Township Superintendents spoke with the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) earlier this week to gain their insights and advice. CCDPH’s recommendation is to continue our current operations as we monitor these metrics over the next two to three weeks.

They noted that Region 10 remains in the “minimal transmission” or “blue” designation from the Illinois Department of Public Health. They also recommended that we continue to monitor operations within each of our schools. Please continue to commit to our risk-mitigation efforts inside and outside of school, including hand hygiene, wearing masks, and maintaining social distancing as we avoid touching our faces. As we continue to navigate this global pandemic together, we are each responsible for the level of risk we bring into our school community. Let’s continue to react to the risks of COVID-19 responsibly.