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Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley’s Weekly Update - September 25, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley’s Weekly Update - September 25, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley’s Weekly Update - 9/25/20

Thank you to all of our District 30 Family Members for your continued partnership as we continue education thoughtfully through this global COVID-19 Pandemic. As I continue to visit our in-person and full-remote classrooms, the effort, commitment, perseverance, and engagement of our students and staff are inspiring! We continue to be grateful for the commitment of our educators, the partnership with our parents, and the engagement of all of our students!

A couple of important notes for this week: •Northfield Township COVID-19 Elementary School Local Public Health Dashboard: We have collaboratively evolved our Northfield Township COVID-19 Elementary School Local Public Health Dashboard that will be utilized by our township elementary districts to help us navigate this complex time. This coded dashboard includes the four metrics recommended for schools by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). This dashboard tracks each metric for Region 10 (Suburban Cook County), Northfield Township, along with Northfield Township plus all adjacent zip codes. The dashboard will be updated weekly and available on the Phased Operations Resources page on our website and within our Parent Phased Operations FAQ.

Our goal is to utilize this dashboard to guide our discussions with the Cook County Department of Public Health as the health backdrop of this pandemic continues to shift. The current dashboard metrics support our educational models, and our hope is that our collective commitment to the mitigation strategies inside and outside of school will maintain metrics that continue to do so.  •Remaining Vigilant: Thank you all for continuing to honor and support our risk-mitigation efforts that include hand hygiene, wearing masks, and maintaining social distancing as we avoid touching our faces. We are fortunate to live in an area that has responsibly reacted to the risks of COVID-19, and we need to remain vigilant.