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District 30 Family Weekly Update 8/28

District 30 Family Weekly Update 8/28

Dear District 30 Family,

I hope that this email finds you and your family doing well! Our focus now shifts from opening school to sustaining our models and supporting each other. 

A few important notes;

  • On Monday, August 31, we will begin using Ruvna for the self-certification process. Please review the Self-Certification Quick Steps document and note that all in-person and hybrid students must complete the self-certification daily for each of your children.
  • As a reminder, we will test our emergency notification system on Saturday afternoon.
  • Please continue to monitor our Parent Phased Operations FAQs Document - we have added the latest IDPH COVID-19 School Guidance FAQ (26) and information on how learning will continue for quarantined students (#34 & 35).
  • As we get rolling during the school year, I will integrate my updates into each school’s Friday Fliers, so please continue to remain informed through these important communications.

High-Level of Shared Responsibility

Thank you for the high-level of shared responsibility that you have continued to show. We concluded another week with high self-certification completion levels and honest responses. As required, families have kept their students home due to symptoms, travel, and COVID-19 exposure to keep others safe. I appreciate all of us continuing our commitment to each other as we progress through this year. 

Even with our diligence, we have had a few students develop symptoms consistent with those of COVID-19 at school. We have isolated the students, and we appreciate the timely responses we have received from parents who have picked up their child(ren) and kept us informed about their status. As a reminder, students with symptoms remain out of school for ten days or until we receive a doctor’s note with an alternate diagnosis or negative COVID-19 test. If we have a positive COVID-19 case within one of our schools, all parents and staff within the school will be notified, and close contacts will be informed and quarantined. All of our efforts on this front will be in cooperation with the Cook County Department of Public Health.

We all need to continue to model and follow the safe practices - hand hygiene, wearing masks, and maintaining social distancing as we avoid touching our faces. These practices remain within our sphere of influence during this pandemic and provide us with the best chance of continuing what we have started.

Grace, Character, & Civility

Steven Covey once said, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” For all of us, the main thing is safely educating our students through this global pandemic. We are continuing to grow and develop and will do our best for all of our students. There is no perfect model that can be implemented. There are advantages and challenges with the in-person and full-remote options as we continue to focus on core education through this pandemic. 

Our educators are leaning in, showing up, and getting it done. I was able to drop in on a few of our full-remote classes this week, and I was impressed by our students’ engagement! I have also observed several of our in-person classes where our students wore masks, maintained social distancing, and were engaged in learning as well! 

Thank you for your grace, character, and civility this week as we all continue to navigate these waters together. As we move forward through these unprecedented times, our perspective will continue to be valuable. We are fortunate to live in this amazing community with our supportive parents, invested students, and committed educators. We will continue to face this time and will make it to the other side together.


Dr. Brian K. Wegley