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District 30 Family 7/31/20 Weekly Update

District 30 Family 7/31/20 Weekly Update

Dear District 30 Family,

We hope that this email finds you all doing well!

We continue to prepare for this school year. Thank you to everyone who has reached out for additional information and for finalizing your 2020-21 Registration Confirmation. Overall, about 79% of our students are returning for in-person learning, while 21% are selecting the remote learning option. We are now working on finalizing sectioning and staffing. 

As a reminder, ePackets will be released on Monday, August 3. Also, for those in Grades 4 - 8 who have selected in-person learning:

  • You will learn your student(s) A or B-Day assignment 
  • You will also receive a Hybrid A/B Day Calendar through December 18 with the schedule for each to assist with your planning

We also understand that some families have not been able to finalize a decision on using the bus until the scheduled attendance days are known. We have extended the no-penalty registration period until Friday, August 7.

In partnership with District 30, the Northbrook Park District is excited to announce a new program called Community TIES -Together in Educational Support to assist families who have children attending school in a hybrid learning model. It will also support full-time teachers at Districts 27, 28, 30, and 31. Registration is underway through August 7. Families will be notified of enrollment status no later than August 12.

Our teachers and administrative team have thought “outside the box” with a strong commitment to health, safety, and continuous learning. As hard as we have worked throughout the summer to prepare for continuing how to educate all our students throughout this ongoing pandemic thoughtfully, we all know that education will look very different this year. 

Our in-school students will remain in learning cohorts/bubble groups as much as possible with masks and social distancing, as half of our 4th through 8th-grade classmates connect to our classrooms from home. Our full-remote learners will receive live broadcasted instruction as we work to keep them connected from home. More information on both of these models will be sent out next week.

In essence, we have redefined the way education will be delivered. We will be at our best as a community and District 30 Family when we all commit to our defined models, as we build our collective capacity in this new educational world. I thank all of our families who are remaining positively engaged with us throughout this time. Our collaboration and relationships remain one of our greatest strengths.

Together, we will face challenges in the year ahead of us. We will learn and grow together as we provide education that looks different but exhibits the same care and commitment that defines us. In this unusual time, we will be our best when we continue to stand together. Our kids will follow our lead, and they will also demonstrate their resiliency. We are all in this together, and we will all get through this together.


Dr. Brian K. Wegley
