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District 30 Global Lesson Plan and Field Day - May 22, 2020

District 30 Global Lesson Plan and Field Day - May 22, 2020

Dear District 30,

Happy Friday! Below is the email that was sent out to our students for today's Global Learning Lesson. Thanks to our PE teachers and Field Day Committee for putting together great Virtual Field Days for our students! Thanks to Mrs. Pollina for putting the video together. We hope it brings you some joy!

Good morning, District 30!

As our teachers plan together today, we look forward to connecting with you with our 6th Global Learning Lesson! This plan has been emailed to parents as well. Make it a family affair!

Today's Video Announcements

Assignments: Wescott and Willowbrook students, look for an email from your schools. Maple School will include directions in today's Friday Flyer. Also consider the following events demonstrated by Dr. Carter's Bowl Ball, Mrs. Holzkopf's Candy Suction Activity, Dr. Carlson's Towel Flip Challenge, and Dr. Brown's Penguin Race.

Please post pictures and videos of your participation HERE (Optional)

These activities for the day are encouraged to be completed by every student. We are proud of you and look forward to seeing you enjoy these field days. Make us proud!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley, Superintendent of Schools