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Students Leave Notes of Appreciation for Teachers

Students Leave Notes of Appreciation for Teachers


Students Leave Notes of Appreciation for Teachers

Our teacher-heroes came to school today (May 14, 2020), separately, of course, to clean out their classrooms. One teacher even cleaned out a colleague's office, because she has a very sick child, and cannot do it herself.

Superintendent Dr. Wegley, with Principals Dr. Brown and Dr. Carlson, were present too, at a safe distance, masked, and standing proud at the entrances, thanking our teachers, who continue to give so much of themselves to our students, while still managing full lives at home.

The teachers all wore masks. They should have also been wearing superhero capes! Heads were held high, boxes in hand, as they came to empty their rooms, one-by-one, and very safely distanced from any other individuals in the vicinity.

Small bottles of precious hand sanitizer stood like small soldiers next to disposable gloves on tables, as each educator entered Maple, Wescott, and Willowbrook Schools.

Principals with covered faces, only their eyes peeking out, sat in their respective offices alone, working on their computers, and sometimes waving through the window at teachers, while their lunch bags languished on their desks. Their days are as full as they have every been, as everyone continues to try and navigate a new sense of normal.

However, even though it was a rainy and somber day, our educators' moods brightened when they saw the groups of colorful posters and letters taped on the front of Wescott and Willowbrook Schools’ windows at the front entrances.

They proclaimed, “We Love Our Teachers,” “We Miss You!”, “Thank You!”, “Teachers: Our Heroes,” and more.

Wescott Principal Dr. Chris Brown tweeted his gratefulness to the community, “I am so thankful for our parents and children who left messages for teachers today! We miss you too!” #d30learns

Willowbrook Principal Dr. Scott Carlson shared, "The Willowbrook parents and students are amazing. Our teachers felt your love this morning as they started coming in to pack student belongings! Thank you!" #d30learns #charactercounts

We salute and appreciate our school leaders, educators, and support staff, who selflessly hand us vital and excellent remote learning tools, positivity, and hope in their daily communication and messages, during this most challenging time.

They do it, for the children, because we still and always will hold on to our motto at District 30, “We take responsibility for all of our children.” Never more than now. Be well and safe. We will see each other again!