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D30 Family 5/8 Weekly Update

D30 Family 5/8 Weekly Update

Dear District 30 Family,

I hope you are all continuing to do well! In addition to touching base with the members of our family, this email is to share this week’s update from our Glenview/Northbrook COVID-19 Task ForcePlease note the Restore Illinois guidelines shared by Governor Pritzker on Tuesday. I continue to be thankful for the coordination and collaboration between our villages and leaders to help us navigate our current situation. 

I recently read a story that reflected on the fact that although we are all going through the same storm right now, we are not all in the same boat. We have families and teachers who continue to navigate this complex time with varying challenges within each home. Thank you all for continuing to remain in touch with your teachers as we partner through this time together. We are thankful for our students’ engagement, our parents’ support, and our teachers’ unwavering commitment!

Also, thank you all again for helping to share our collective messages of gratitude across District 30 this week! Your care and thoughtfulness continue to keep us all going and were warmly received! One teacher shared, “ I miss my students so much my heart hurts.  These videos made me cry and lifted my spirits so much.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you do - especially for this.”

On Tuesday, May 5, 2020, Governor Pritzker announced five phases of reopening Illinois. The plan is summarized within the Restore Illinois Information & One-Page Summary. Additional information is available within the Restore Illinois FAQs document. 

School buildings can reopen in Stage IV when following IDPH guidelines. Along with the rest of Illinois, our Northeast Region is currently in Phase II. Each region will progress through the five phases (forward or backward) based on that region’s metrics. Our administrative team continues to work on contingency plans for the fall. Please know that we will continue to keep our students at the center of our planning. We will finish this year well, and we will meet each of them where they are and move forward together when we reconvene in-person.

A few key reminders: 

  • We continue to update our plans regarding how to best proceed educationally through the year:
    • Decisions that have been made:
      • Review a comprehensive list of decisions.
      • Summer School 2020 is Cancelled
        • The details in the Restore Illinois plan reinforced our decision to cancel Summer School due to the inability to ensure in-person hands-on instruction in June and the first two weeks in July. Our focus will continue to be on preparing for the fall.
        • Refunds to registered families are projected to be issued by the end of May. 
        • All of our schools will be offering a summer reading program. More information will follow.
        • We remain in contact with the Northbrook and Glenview Libraries and Park Districts. They are developing virtual programming and may implement small-group activities this summer if guidelines allow for it—access information about these opportunities through this Northfield Township Summer Engagement Options link.
    • Other issues for future consideration:
      • A pickup schedule for student materials and iPad/library book end-of-the-year drop-off.
  • An e-Learning Survey will be shared next Thursday, May 14, to gain input on our inaugural e-Learning effort. We are proud of how everyone has committed to e-Learning this year as we were thrust into this new environment. Of course, we have learned a lot about e-Learning and will benefit from reflecting on this effort. We are seeking your input as we consider further evolution of e-Learning should it be needed in the fall and/or for future snow days.
  • Keep checking our Parent School Closure and e-Learning FAQ. We will keep it updated and will add answers to important questions that arise as we all navigate our new, temporary normal.

In a concerted effort to continue a sense of normalcy, our primary goal remains to maintain connections with our students. I continue to reflect on all that they are processing right now with us. Please let your children know how proud we are of how they are remaining engaged and positive throughout this time. Know that we continue to be here to provide any needed support to you and your family. We wish you a wonderful weekend, and I want to wish all of our moms a fantastic Mothers’ Day!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley