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Superintendent's Global Lesson Plan - April 27, 2020

Superintendent's Global Lesson Plan  - April 27, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Brian K. Wegley

Good morning, District 30 Students!

As our teachers plan together today, we look forward to connecting with you for our third Global Learning Lesson! Make us proud!

Today’s Video Announcements


Activity: Every day should include exercise. Complete both or another activity that gets your heart rate up: 

Complete a wall sit and/or try and beat your previous time. 

Find a room with some space and complete the Would You Rather Challenge!

Life-Skills: Pick two: 

Help your family check and possibly change the air filter for your furnace.

Clean up your yard, help with potting a plant, or sweep outside.

Water the plants in your house.

Gratitude: Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4 through May 8. 

The fantastic thing about gratitude is that the more we share, the more we receive, and the brighter our days become!

The Administrative Team, Board of Education, along with the Maple, Wescott, and Willowbrook PTOs, ask you to make at least three thank yous to any of our teachers, custodial staff, front-office staff - consider all of our amazing educators across District 30 who make a difference. 

Be specific! Thank you messages are more meaningful when they include specific reasons for your gratitude. We ask you to create a specific thank you message that can be in the form of an audio or video recording of no more than 20 seconds each, a written reflection, or a picture. 

Use our Teacher Gratitude Submission Form to submit your messages by the end of the day on Monday. We will share your messages with staff and use some of them to make compelling videos that demonstrate our collective gratitude for each school and District 30 as a whole! If you have any problems submitting your videos via the form, please send them to mpollina@district30.org. Thank you!!!

Curiosity: Do you play an instrument? Are you developing your painting skills? Are you interested in learning more about programming to create Apps? Are you wondering what Dark Matter is (like one of our fourth-grade students with whom I recently had a conversation)? Spend time (at least two hours for grades 5 through 8) doing something that you absolutely love. Feel free to review these Enhancement Ideas. You can spread the time out throughout the day in between other activities, meals, and snacks.

Thank you for staying active, helping your parents around the house, and especially for helping us make Teacher Appreciation Week one to remember. Everyone will cherish hearing from you!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley
