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e-Learning Evolution, Parent FAQs, and Tentative Last Day of School

e-Learning Evolution, Parent FAQs, and Tentative Last Day of School

Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Brian K. Wegley

Dear District 30 Family,

I hope that this email finds you all doing well! I also hope that your children enjoyed today’s Global Lesson Plan and that they found something that added value to their day. The brief submissions from our students have brightened our day here in District 30! I will share out a link to some of our entries with Friday’s update. The two highest times submitted for a wall sit were 7:01 and 7:03!

Last Day of School Remains June 11, 2020

We have received guidance from the State of Illinois on days beyond March 30, which the State of Illinois designated as “Remote Learning” and “Remote Learning Planning” Days. These, along with the recent “Act-of-God” Days from March 17 through March 30, will count as student attendance days. The significant efforts that we are all investing to generate normalcy and to continue learning for our students during this fluid and challenging time will all count as school days. As a result, our last day of school will remain June 11, 2020. Although school closures officially extend until April 7, we are expecting closures to be extended by the Governor and are planning accordingly. 

e-Learning Evolution

We thank you all for your support and appreciate the gratitude you have shown to our staff as they have committed to this effort as we all navigate through our new, temporary normal together. 

Today, our talented teachers spent the day reflecting on our first voyage into e-Learning. A lot went right during our first week. Areas of focus that you will learn more about from your teachers this week included:

Collaborative, team planning for the next two weeks

Establishing a plan for more consistent, virtual face-to-face interaction (via D30’s account for Google Hangout) with: 

Core classroom teachers at Wescott and Willowbrook, and

Advisory teachers at Maple (6th-Grade at 10:00 a.m., 7th-Grade at 11:00 a.m., and 8th-Grade at 12:00 p.m.)

Implementing a more concise vehicle for sharing plans and expectations for the day at Wescott and Willowbrook

As we continue to provide valuable experiences for your children, please know that we understand that every family’s situation is different. Please remain in touch with your teachers and use your parenting instincts to settle into the routine that will work best in your household. Also, continue to access our Parent School Closure & e-Learning FAQ document that we will keep updated.

Have a great week, and please let me know if you have any questions!

Dr. Brian K. Wegley