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COVID-19 Task Force and e-Learning Updates, with a Message of Gratitude

COVID-19 Task Force and e-Learning Updates, with a Message of Gratitude

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian K. Wegley

Dear District 30 Family,

I hope that this email finds you all doing well! In addition to touching base with the members of our family, this email is to share this week’s update from our Glenview/Northbrook COVID-19 Task Force. Please note the Northshore Healthcare guidance and the plea to honor physical distancing. This week’s efforts included District 30 joining other governmental bodies in donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Northshore Universal Healthcare! I continue to be thankful for the coordination and collaboration between our villages and leaders to help us navigate this situation. 

e-Learning Evolution

The State of Illinois has now issued two proclamations regarding the closure of schools. The first was from March 17 until March 30. These days were defined as “Act-of-God” Days. The second extends school closures until at least April 7, and we have not yet received guidance from the State on these days. We believe that the new guidance will transition to “Remote Learning” Days, and we continue to expect the closure to be extended and are planning accordingly.

Thank you for your continued support. I am proud of our caring community and of our initial effort with e-Learning. On Monday, our teachers will be working together with their teams continuing to evolve this effort. To support their teamwork, our first Superintendent's Global Lesson Plan will be emailed to parents and students on Monday. Please continue to be flexible and patient as we navigate this new, temporary reality together.

District 30’s goal will be to follow our established school calendar, with the exception of half-days. Our e-Learning will begin again on Tuesday, March 31, and will continue uninterrupted through Thursday, April 9, 2020. Friday, April 10 will remain a non-attendance day. 

Thankful for Our Community

I continue to be inspired by so many examples of our community caring for and supporting each other (including having homemade hand sanitizer dropped off at our house)! Other streets have placed shamrocks and teddy bears in windows to be counted on neighborhood walks. Students in District 30 and other districts have also been making greeting cards for senior citizens living in our local retirement facilities. We are fortunate to be going through this together here in our community. We need to all continue to discover ways to find joy and remain positive!

Have a great weekend, and please let me know if you have any questions!


Dr. Brian K. Wegley