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District Welcomes Former Superintendent Dr. Harry Rossi Back for Plaque Unveiling

District Welcomes Former Superintendent Dr. Harry Rossi Back for Plaque Unveiling

District Welcomes Former Superintendent Dr. Harry Rossi Back for Plaque Unveiling

On February 13, the Board of Education heartily welcomed former superintendent Dr. Harry P. Rossi back to help unveil two plaques that honor the service of past superintendents.

"Tonight we celebrate District 30's deep roots and strong foundation, by celebrating and looking back at an individual whose contributions have had an indelible effect on our foundation. We are so pleased and honored to have Dr. Harry Rossi and his wife Dr. Diane Rossi with us tonight," stated Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley.

The first plaque unveiled by Dr. Wegley and Dr. Rossi was in the new Maple Library Media Center, which commemorates Dr. Theodore Kamatos, who served as District 30’s Superintendent from 1972 to 1978.

Dr. Rossi reminisced that Dr. Kamatos was revered and fondly referred by his colleagues as "Uncle Ted," due to his "avuncular nature."

On November 9, 1989, the Board of Education dedicated the Library/Media Center at Maple School to Dr. Kamatos in recognition of his quest for knowledge and enlightenment.

Dr. Rossi and Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley then unveiled a second plaque that is displayed in the entrance of the new District 30 Office, which honors Dr. Harry P. Rossi, who provided outstanding leadership to District 30 from 1972 to 2005, 17 of those years as an exemplary superintendent.

The plaque commemorates his service and the fact that Dr. Rossi emphasized that “We accept responsibility for all of our children.”

Dr. Wegley celebrated that this motto remains District 30’s guiding principle. He thanked Dr. Rossi for his service and presented him with a brick from the former District Office and the old Maple School.

Dr. Rossi expressed his deep appreciation to the Board and Dr. Wegley, stating that it was an honor to serve the district for 33 years.

Board President, Ursula Sedlak concluded the ceremony by sharing the district's appreciation to Dr. Rossi for laying a foundation that still impacts our culture today.