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Former Maple Principal Dr. Nate Carter is Recipient of FSC's Annual "Heart of Family Award"

Former Maple Principal Dr. Nate Carter is Recipient of FSC's Annual "Heart of Family Award"

On July 11, recently retired Maple School Principal Dr. Nate Carter received the esteemed "Heart of Family Award" during Family Service Center's virtual gala fundraiser "Unity Rocks!" for being a champion of mental health and wellness for the community.

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley shared, "I am proud to join the Family Service Center (FSC) tonight to support a great organization and celebrate our own Dr. Nate Carter, who received the esteemed 'Heart of Family Award' during FSC's annual virtual gala fundraiser 'Unity Rocks'! Well deserved!"

Dr. Wegley is on FSC's Advisory Board and received the Heart of Family Award in 2017. 

Family Service Center of Glenview's Executive Director, Dr. Renee Dominguez congratulated Dr. Carter for being the organization's 2020 "Heart of Family" recipient and gave him accolades for his contribution to the well-being of the community. Dr. Carter then thanked Dr. Dominguez and expressed deep appreciation for being a part of the community for the past 12 years, and having the opportunities to work with FSC in the field of health and education.  He was also Executive Director of the Lew Blond Run and a Co-Chair with Character Counts of Glenview.

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley and former District 34 Superintendent Dr. Bill Attea also congratulated Dr. Carter on receiving Family Service Center's (FSC) "Heart of Family Award" on July 11. They are both former "Heart of Family Award" recipients and are on the Advisory Board of FSC.

Dr. Wegley added, "Dr. Nate Carter is such a deserving recipient of FSC's 'Heart of Family Award.' We know that when life becomes challenging that it is important to have support, and everyone can benefit from caring agencies like FSC, that help families when life happens. Thank you FSC for all you do for our community. Dr. Carter was an exemplary principal at District 30, who had high standards for students and staff, but what separated him from others is his incredibly kind heart and desire to help people in times of need. He enjoyed celebrating achievements and was also an amazing source of strength and kindness when a student or staff member was struggling. Congratulations and we applaud you for all that you have accomplished in your career and for our community."

In honor of Dr. Carter, and to help support FSC's vision to actively support emotional and mental well being in the community; and its ongoing mission to strengthen and empower families and communities by providing accessible evidenced‐based counseling, crisis response, outreach, and education, you can text a donation to FSC to 41444

For more information about FCS and the recent gala, go to familyservicecenter.com