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A Special Thank You to Our Dedicated Educators During Teacher Appreciation Week!

A Special Thank You to Our Dedicated Educators During Teacher Appreciation Week!

Dear Maple Family,

On behalf of our administrative team, Board of Education, and our PTOs, we thank our teachers, and all of our educators for all of your care and commitment, especially now. We all partnered on this effort to say “Thank You” during this year’s Teacher Appreciation Week, which we kick off today! Enjoy this video that captures the essence of our thankfulness! Thank you to Michele Pollina for putting it together!

Have a great week! Look for some surprises throughout the week and know that your efforts make a huge difference in the most important profession on the planet!


Dr. Chris Brown

Dr. Scott Carlson

Dr. Nate Carter

Mr. Dale Falk

Dr. Melissa Hirsch

Ms. Betty Holzkopf

Dr. Andrew Kohl

Ms. Lauren Schulman

Dr. Brian Wegley

Mr. Don Zabski