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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's COVID-19 Update: District 30 Cancels All Non-Essential Activities through April 5

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's COVID-19 Update: District 30 Cancels All Non-Essential Activities through April 5


Re: Cancellation of Non-Essential Events and Visitors

Dear District 30 Family,

The safety and security of our students and staff is always our top priority and remains so during the emerging and rapidly changing situation surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19). Our Glenview/Northbrook COVID-19 Task Force continues to work together. Out of an abundance of caution, we have collectively made the decision to cancel all non-essential activities through April 5, 2020. We will also limit non-essential visitors to our facilities.

Effective immediately, District 30 will be canceling all non-essential events and trips through Sunday, April 5, 2020. This includes all before-school band/orchestra/choir, athletic games and practices, field trips, club meetings, assemblies, rehearsals, performances, in-district PTO events/meetings, and social events. Our goal will be to reschedule events if possible.  Our schools will continue to focus on our primary responsibility of providing educational services to our students. Please note that before and after-school care at the elementary schools will continue.

In addition, we are also modifying our visitor procedures. Starting tonight, non-essential visitors will not be allowed to enter our buildings during the school day. This includes classroom visitors and lunchroom volunteers. Essential individual-parent meetings including IEP/504 meetings will continue as scheduled. Voting is scheduled in the gyms at Wescott and Willowbrook next Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Community members will be allowed to enter our gyms through exterior doors and they will be isolated from all other interior spaces.

These decisions are based on the strong recommendations of the Illinois State Board of Education, which recommends that school districts review all non-essential school-related travel and events. The Glenview/Northbrook COVID-19 Task Force and District 30 will consider future trips (e.g. the eighth-grade Washington DC/Chicagoland Trips, Outdoor Education, etc.)

As additional information becomes available, we will share it via email with our parents, students, and staff, and post all communications and resources on our http://www.district30.org. Thank you for your continued partnership as we all work together to look out for each other and keep our friends, neighbors, colleagues, and families as safe as possible.


Dr. Brian Wegley

Superintendent of Schools