Maple PTO Presents Donation to Support All-Abilities Playground

Maple PTO Presents Donation to Support All-Abilities Playground


Maple PTO Presents Donation to Support All-Abilities Playground At the December 12 Board of Education meeting, Maple PTO Co-Presidents Becky Fliegel and Sonia Rizki, with Erin Sommer, presented a check for $52,100 to Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley, for Maple's All-Abilities Playground, which will be built in 2020. He thanked the PTO and expressed his admiration for their dedication, hard work, and passion for helping to support the students of District 30 schools. The Maple PTO worked diligently holding fundraisers and raised these funds to support a special place where all children will be able to play and socialize. For more information about this special playground, go to