New Teacher Orientation Runs August 23-25

New Teacher Orientation Runs August 23-25

New Teacher Orientation Runs August 23-25

After welcoming new teachers to their three-day orientation workshops, Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley said, "You have chosen the most impressive profession on the planet! What we do matters every day at District 30!'

Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Melissa Hirsch began with introductions of administrative staff and began by reviewing the seven things teachers want to know on the first day of new teacher orientation.

She then displayed Harry Wong's quote from "The First Days of School (2018)."

"The first day of school is the most important day of the school year. What effective teachers do on the very first day will determine the success of the class."

Dr. Hirsch presented current enrollment but cautioned that it will be higher by the first day of school, September 2, as families are still coming in to register weekly. At present, enrollment is at 1,214, about a hundred more students than last year. In addition, there are students in Willowbrook's Kid Connection Preschool and there is the Educational and Life Skills Program.

There are over 40 languages spoken in the homes of District 30 families. Last year, 90 students received English Learner (EL) services.

She proudly stated that over 86% of our teachers have a Masters' degree or above, 138 staff members are certificated, and the average teaching experience of the certified staff is 14 years.

A new English Language Arts position was added this year, and Dr. Hirsch concluded her presentation by welcoming English Language Arts Coordinator, Amy Chopra to our schools.

On the second day, Learning Enhancement Coordinator Nadine Lee will take the educators through District 30's induction and mentoring program. There will be ample opportunity to concentrate on parent communication, curriculum night, and more classroom prep time.

The third day includes technology integration meetings with the Director of Educational Technology, Dr. Andrew Kohl and staff, and meetings with each principal at the school buildings.