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Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Global Learning Lesson Reflection

Superintendent Dr. Brian Wegley's Global Learning Lesson Reflection

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian K. Wegley


Dear District 30 Students,

I thank all of you for your continued commitment to your learning. We are all so proud of you! I also thank our teachers for continuing to teach remotely, and for our community that exemplifies care and responsibility for each other. As we wrap up the week, please enjoy this Global Lesson Recap video. It brightened our day, and we hope it does the same for you! Special thanks to my Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Michele Pollina, for putting it together!

We had the pleasure of witnessing a 16:30 wall sit, and here are two of my favorite reflections of the day that give us all food for thought:

I picked gratitude because it made me look at gratitude in ways that I had not before. For example, even being grateful for finding something that is useful to me because I take the things for granted. Also, realizing that I should even be thankful to be able to make other people smile and feel good.  

I think that this gratitude scavenger hunt helped me to think about others and not just myself, which is important during this time. I felt that I should show my appreciation for people that work hard to deliver packages or groceries to my family. These people are basically risking their lives during this time, and helping others by delivering packages so that people don’t have to go out into large crowds. To show my appreciation, I made signs and hung them on doors and my mailbox. I thought that this might make them smile. I think that if we all try to make someone smile it will help brighten people’s day during this time.

Thank you again for those of you who shared reflections with me, and thank you for all of your positive, kind thoughts. We will have another Global Learning Lesson on Monday, April 13. You will receive directions from me via email, and I look forward to receiving your reflections!

Have a great Friday and weekend!


Dr. Wegley

Dr. Brian K. Wegley

Superintendent of Schools