Committee Chair Frequently Asked Questions

Click the FAQ topic below for detailed information and useful links (scroll down to see each topic).

Committee Members Responsibilities
Contact Lists
Delegate Responsibility
Money, Finances, Registration
Entrance Fees
Event Logistics
Decorations and Supplies

What are the Committee Members Responsibilities?

Committee Members are responsible for event or activity planning which may include any or all of the following:

  • Idea Generation
  • Budget Targets - setting prices, watching expenses
  • Publicity - creating flyers, posters, and writing blurbs for the What's Up Willowbrook, news releases and eblasts
  • Event Logistics - Principal meeting, event setup, supplies, vendors, decorations
  • Volunteers - All staffing and scheduling through SignUp Genius
  • Final Report - Submitting a Final Report for future Committee Chair reference

Contact Lists

Each committee has a PTO Board Contact. Committees shall meet with their Board Contact to review committee’s progress once a preliminary plan has been developed. 

Full List of Committee Members and Representatives

If you are chairing a returning event, ask your Board Rep for any prior year flyers or Final Event Reports to assist your planning process.

Represent your committee at General PTO Meetings. If you are unable to attend, please talk to your Board Contact before the meeting so she can share your committee’s information.

How Do I Delegate Responsibility?

Meet with fellow chairs to determine areas of responsibility. Areas may include; supplies, facilities, decorations, vendors, food, advertising, solicitation, liaison w/ school, volunteers, and financials.

Money, Finances, Registration - How does that all work and what is this Wufoo I keep hearing about?

  • Treasurer's Page
    Review the Treasurer's Page for financial procedures. It covers important information regarding use of the Tax Exempt Letter and the Expense Reimbursement Form.
  • Delegate Financial Responsibility
    One person should assume financial responsibilities (track costs, work w/ Treasurer etc.) for your event.  The Treasurer will collect and notate all funds received on the event registration form.  In the event that funds are not received, the Treasurer is responsible for follow up communications.
  • Registration Form
    The Treasurer will create a registration form for the event or activity using the PTO's online form service. Please give the Treasurer advance notice to allow time to create a form.
  • The following information may be needed:
  1. Detailed list of data to collect including name, email, number in attendance, and so on
  2. Detailed pricing
  3. Images (in .jpg or .gif formats)
  4. Website links
  5. General event description
  • Registration Report and Event Check-In
    Committee Chairs can request registration reports from the Treasurers in order to track attendance. The Treasurers will also supply a Check-In form with payment status on the day of the event.
  • Event Change or Petty Cash
    Coordinate with the Treasurer a week in advance if you need petty cash for change, tips, etc. or if you need checks for vendors at the event.
  • Reimbursement Requests
    All reimbursement requests should be submitted online using the Expense Reimbursement Form within 5 days of the event.

Expense Reimbursement Form
Tax Exempt Letter

How do I charge entrance fees for the event?

  • Price
    Decide what price per person should be charged for your event.
  • Willowbrook Staff Pricing 
    Willowbrook Staff are admitted to events for free. 
  • Profit Goal
    Pricing shall be determined based on the annual profit goals set by the PTO Board and the anticipated expenses for the event.
  • Budget 
    Each committee will receive their budget information from the PTO VP of Membership.

How do I plan setup / logistics with Willowbrook?

Contact the Willowbrook Front Office four (4) weeks in advance of the event to coordinate with the school requirements (i.e., set up, tables, chairs, custodial needs).

I need help with decorations, tablecloths, and supplies.

Try to use decorations and supplies the PTO or Willowbrook already owns (i.e., art paper for tablecloths, cups, plates, etc.). The PTO closets in the Teachers’ Lounge are filled with all kinds of decorations and supplies. Be creative in using decorations that the PTO already owns.

How do I find volunteers for the event and what is SignUp Genius?

Determine the staffing requirements for your event. You may be able to use the registration platform to schedule volunteers, however you can also use

  • SignUp Genius Assistance
    Account LOGIN ID =
    If you have questions about using the website or need the Willowbrook PTO account login password, please contact PTO VP of Membership at
  • Timing   
    Make the volunteer schedule at least two (2) weeks prior to your event.  Send a volunteer email reminder for two (2) days prior to your event.
  • Set up/Clean Up
    Include volunteers for set up and clean up for the event.
  • Financial Staffing    
    A member of the Executive Board - specifically Treasurer or President - does all Event Financial Staffing (Check-In, Event Sales, or Money Collection).  Please schedule with the Executive Board in advance and do not include these positions in the volunteer sign up form.
  • Additional Volunteers Needed
    If volunteers are needed, advertise the SignUpGenius form link in What’s Up Willowbrook, publicize at PTO meetings or other events, network, recruit and call people. You can use the PTO website and Facebook page as well. Please contact PTO Communications at to add information to the website/Facebook.

How do I publicize my event?

Please note that all registrations, SignUps, volunteer management, and any information collected from the community is done online via the registration service or the volunteer service SignUp Genius.

  • Paper Flyer   
    Committees may send home ONE paper flyer (Board Contact may have previous year’s flyer for reference) per event but it is for informational/publicity purposes only and NOT as a registration form.  Instead, the flyer should direct the community to register or volunteer online.  For most events, it is recommended that the hard copies go out no more than one week in advance. This is done through the school office.
  • Registration Form    
    Online Registration saves volunteer time and effort.  Chairs will have 24-hour online access to event registration reports and payment status and the Treasurer will be responsible for collecting/managing payments and creating the registration form.
  • What's Up Willowbrook
    Prior notification of the event can be sent out electronically as early as 3-4 weeks in advance of the event via inclusion in the What’s Up Willowbrook. Information must be submitted to the Willowbrook Front Office ( by the Wednesday prior for inclusion in that Friday’s What’s Up Willowbrook.
  • PTO Website/Facebook   
    Website front page news article submissions should be emailed to PTO Communications at  Any pictures or logos should be attached in .jpg or .gif formats.
  • Email blast
    ONE email blast is permitted prior to the event.  Please submit the email blast draft to the Presidents at at least two (2) days prior to intended distribution.


How do I thank my event volunteers?

After the event, write a thank you note for the What’s Up Willowbrook flyer; be sure to list all volunteers and school staff. The Willowbrook Front Office would like to receive the paragraph electronically (preferred) by Wednesday afternoon of the week you would like it to run.

You may also want to send thank you letters or thank you emails to your vendors or to people who donated for the event.